Automation and Control Technology

Automation and Control Technology is an instructional program that provides the student with technical knowledge and skills necessary for gaining employment as an automated manufacturing systems technician in maintenance diagnostics, engineering, or production in an automated manufacturing environment. The focus of this program is on electricity/electronics, fluid power, motors and controllers, programmable controls, interfacing techniques, instrumentation, and automated processes.

Career Certificate - 30 hours

IAT 1113 or ELT 1143 - Introduction to Automation and Controls

IAT 1123 or ELT 1123 - Electrical Wiring for Automation and Control

ELT 1143 - AC and DC Circuits

ELT 1413 - Motor Control Systems

ELT 1213 - Electrical Power

ELT 1263 - Electrical Drawings and Schematics

IAT 1163 - Manufacturing Skills

IAT 1143 - Fluid Power

IAT - 1173 Control Systems I

ROT 1113 - Fundamentals of Robotics

Technical - Certificate 45 hours

ELT 2614 - Programmable Logic Controllers

IAT 2123 - Control Systems II

IAT 2133 - Solid State Motor Controls

ROT 1313 - Industrial Robotics

IAT 2413 - Special Projects

Associate of Applied Science degree – 60/61 hours

Written Communications

Oral Communications

Humanities/Fine Arts

College Algebra or Lab-based Science

Social/Behavioral Science Elective

Technical Electives (listed or approved by instructor)

ELT 1123 - Commercial Wiring

ELT 1183 - Industrial Wiring

ELT 1213 - Electrical Power

ELT 2424 - Solid State Motor Controls

DDT 1163 - Engineering Graphics

DDT 1313 - Computer Aided Design I

IMM 1933 - Manufacturing Skills

MFT 2013 - Automation Motion Control

MFT 2614 - Flexible Manufacturing Systems

ROT 1113 - Fundamentals of Robotics

Work-based Learning Elective(s)

Computer Science Elective(s)

For course descriptions, visit the online College Catalog.

Career & Technical Education Substance Abuse Testing Policy
To ensure a drug-free workplace and learning environment, East Central Community College students enrolled in specific Career & Technical Education programs that are skills-based and/or require the use of heavy equipment are required to submit to initial, random, and reasonable suspicion substance abuse testing. These programs include Automation and Control Technology. To review the entire Policy No: 411.7 Career-Technical Substance Abuse Testing Policy, including information on procedures, initial testing, retesting, reasonable suspicion testing, accident/injury testing, and program re-admission, refer to the college’s online Policies and Procedures Manual.