ART 1113 — ART APPRECIATION — A course designed to provide an understanding and appreciation of the visual arts. Three semester hours credit.
ART 1313 — DRAWING I — Includes the study of the basic elements and principles of organization in two dimensions and the selection, manipulation and synthesis of these components to create an organized visual expression. Black and white media will be stressed. Three semester hours credit.
ART 1323 — DRAWING II — (Prerequisite: ART 1313 with grade of C) Continuation of rendering skills introduced in Drawing I with emphasis on color, composition and creative expression. Three semester hours credit.
ART 1433 — DESIGN I — Course designed to provide students with an understanding of the elements and principles of design to enable development of an informed, intuitive sense as well as a highly informed skills base/methodology involving black and white design problems which apply principles and elements of visual design. Three semester hours credit.
ART 1443 — DESIGN II — (Prerequisite: ART 1433) Course designed to provide students with an understanding of color theory and applications of color so that there begins to be an informed as well as intuitive sense of seeing, mixing, and applying color and light to design problems. Three semester hours credit.
ART 1453 — THREE DIMENSIONAL DESIGN — Course designed to provide students with an understanding of spatial form in three dimensions through the use of applied design elements and principles to studio problems in various media. Three semester hours credit.
ART 2513 — PAINTING I — (Prerequisite: ART 1313 or 1433) Techniques used in painting media in a variety of subject matter. Three semester hours credit.
ART 2713 — ART HISTORY I — A survey course of historical background of art forms from Prehistoric to the Renaissance. Emphasis is on painting, architecture, and sculpture as related to history. Three semester hours credit.
ART 2723 — ART HISTORY II — A survey course of the historical background of art forms from the Renaissance to present special emphasis is on contemporary expressions. Three semester hours credit.