eLearning Education

Welcome to eLearning Education at East Central Community College! eLearning offers a variety of services to assist you in your educational endeavors. EC eLearning strives to be the premier destination for all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching which applies to applications and processes for web-based learning and digital collaboration. Our goal is to provide quality, accessible education regardless of location.

mississippi virtual community collegeEast Central Community College is a proud member of the Mississippi Virtual Community College (MSVCC) a cooperative of the Mississippi community college districts and the Mississippi State Board for Community Colleges to provide internet-based courses.

Through the MSVCC, students admitted to admissions at EC may take courses offered through the MSVCC.  If EC is not offering a course online or traditionally that is listed in the college catalog, the student can request to take a course from one of the participating MSVCC locations. Students should make the request to their advisor or a counselor as there is an approval process for MSVCC courses.

Hours of Operation

Fall and Spring
Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. to Noon
Closed Saturday and Sunday

For Canvas Support After Hours
visit eccc.instructure.com and click on the HELP tab
or call toll-free 1-855-308-2755.

eccc elearning education building
eLearning Education is located on
the top floor of the Eddie M. Smith
Student Union Building

Contact eLearning

East Central Community College
eLearning Education
P. O Box 29
Decatur, MS 39327
Phone: 601-635-6346
Email: elearning@eccc.edu