Welding & Cutting

30-Hour Career Certificate

Gerald Jordan


eccc welding program
  • Welding is a permanent way of joining metal parts.
  • Welders build and repair ships, cars, aircraft, and construction equipment.
  • Welders build and repair art metal, lawn furniture and decorations.
  • Welders join metal beams and steel rods for buildings, bridges, and other  structures.


The Welding and Cutting Technology program is a career-ready program to prepare students for entry-level employment in the field of welding and cutting.

Upon successful completion of the program, students will be prepared for entry-level jobs both in manufacturing and the construction industry.

Students will be provided both theory and practical hands-on application of Construction and Welding Safety, Shielded Metal Arc Welding (basic and advanced), three Cutting Processes (oxy-fuel, plasma, and air carbon arc), Gas Metal Arc Welding (short circuit, spray arc, and metal core), Flux Cored Arc Welding, Welding Blueprint Reading, Welding Symbols, and Metallurgy.

Welding and Cutting is a One-Year (Two-Semester) Career Certificate course beginning in August and graduating in May.

Students can earn the following national recognition certification credentials:

  • NCCER Construction Core
  • NCCER Welding Level I
  • NCCER Welding Level II
  • OSHA-10 Safety
  • CPR

For a complete course listing for the Welding and Cutting program, please see the ECCC Catalog.

Tools & Supply List for Welding & Cutting

Career & Technical Education Substance Abuse Testing Policy
To ensure a drug-free workplace and learning environment, East Central Community College students enrolled in specific Career & Technical Education programs that are skills-based and/or require the use of heavy equipment are required to submit to initial, random, and reasonable suspicion substance abuse testing. These programs include Welding and Cutting Technology. To review the entire Policy No: 411.7 Career-Technical Substance Abuse Testing Policy, including information on procedures, initial testing, retesting, reasonable suspicion testing, accident/injury testing, and program re-admission, refer to the college’s online Policies and Procedures Manual.

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