Criminal Justice Technology

30 Hour Career Certificate
45 Hour Technical Certificate
Associate of Applied Science Degree

Tanner Felton

eccc culinary arts technology

Criminal Justice Technology is balanced between basic general education courses, common to all college programs, and requirements in administrative and specialized criminal justice courses. It is designed to meet the needs of various criminal justice agencies and to provide the student with the knowledge and attitudes needed to be an effective professional in the criminal justice system. It provides a complete course of study for those students intending to earn the Associate of Arts degree and will enable students to transfer into a bachelor’s degree program.

The successful completion of the Criminal Justice Associate of Applied Science Degree will provide the student opportunity for employment in the field of criminal justice in the areas of law enforcement, corrections, and security. This program provides the student with some core curriculum courses but focuses primarily on criminal justice courses addressing different aspects of the field such as police, courts, and corrections.

This program leads to an Associate in Applied Science Degree and is preparatory for employment upon graduation from ECCC. Where a transfer to a senior college or university is desired, a conference should be scheduled with a counselor for advisement. All students completing a career or technical program must complete either the MS-CPAS (Mississippi Career Planning and Assessment System) or an approved Technical Attainment Assessment where applicable. See your advisor for further details.