Leake County

dr kimsey cooper east central community trustee
Bobby Boone
w.b. jones east central community trustee
W.B. Jones
william e kitchings east central community trustee
William E. Kitchings

Pete Lucovich

Joe Nelson
Dr. Joe Nelson,
Supt. of Education

janie wilbanks east central community trustee
Jamie Shepard

Neshoba County

david byars east central community trustee
David Byars

edsel Cliburn east central community trustee
Edsel Cliburn

ricky goldman east central community trustee
Ricky Goldman

Shane Patterson
Josh Perkins,
Supt. of Education
jerry smith east central community trustee
Jerry W. Smith,

Newton County

rodney bounds east central community trustee
Henry Booth
pat cleveland east central community trustee
Pat Cleveland
beverly hart east central community trustee
Beverly Hart
dr danny lanier east central community trustee
Dr. Danny Lanier
Van Lucas east central community trustee
Joel Nelson
J.O. Amis east central community trustee
Dr. Tyler Hansford,
Supt. of Education

Scott County

dr jimmy hollingsworth east central community trustee
Dr. Jimmy Hollingsworth, 
vernon crotwell east central community trustee
John Johnson
Drew Kenna
Julie Latham east central community trustee
Julie Latham

Alan Lumpkin, 
Supt. of Education
annie stowers east central community trustee
Annie Stowers


 Winston County

patsy clark east central community college trustee
Patsy Clark
delane hudson east central community college trustee
Delane Hudson
Scott Livingston


David Luke 
Supt. of Education
jerry nance east central community college trustee
Jerry Nance, 
leo parker east central community college trustee
Leo Parker