Heating & Air Conditioning Technology

30 Hour Career Certificate
45 Hour Technical Certificate
Associate of Applied Science Degree

Harold Hollingsworth

eccc heating and air conditioning technology

Heating and Air Conditioning Technology is a post-secondary instructional program that prepares individuals to work in engineering departments or private firms installing, maintaining, and operating small or medium air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration systems.  Instruction prepares individuals to work in a commercial setting performing special tasks relating to designing duct work, assembly, installation, servicing, operation, and maintenance of heating and cooling systems according to the standards of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc., Air Conditioning Contractors of American (ACCA), and Air Conditioning Refrigeration Institute (ARI).  Included are air conditioning, heating and refrigeration devices; equipment, techniques, and systems; and maintenance and operation of these systems.

Courses taught in the Heating & Air Conditioning Technology program...
  • Basic Compression
  • Electricity for Heating, Ventilation, A/C & Refrigeration
  • Professional Service Procedures
  • Air Conditioning I & II
  • Commercial Refrigeration
  • Refrigerants, Retrofit, Regulation
  • Tools & Piping
  • Refrigeration System Components
  • Controls
  • Heating Systems
  • Heat Load & Air Properties
For a complete course listing for the Heating & Air Conditioning Technology program, please see the ECCC College Catalog.
Careers in the Health & Air Conditioning field...
  • Service Technician
  • Maintenance
  • Installer

For more information on the Heating & A/C Technology program...
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Career & Technical Education Substance Abuse Testing Policy
To ensure a drug-free workplace and learning environment, East Central Community College students enrolled in specific Career & Technical Education programs that are skills-based and/or require the use of heavy equipment are required to submit to initial, random, and reasonable suspicion substance abuse testing. These programs include Heating and Air Conditioning Technology. To review the entire Policy No: 411.7 Career-Technical Substance Abuse Testing Policy, including information on procedures, initial testing, retesting, reasonable suspicion testing, accident/injury testing, and program re-admission, refer to the college’s online Policies and Procedures Manual.

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