Foundation Scholarship Application Instructions

Foundation Scholarship Application Instructions

  1. Visit
  2. Click on the myEC icon as shown below:

  3. Login using your Username (student ID#) and Password.
    (If you have already applied for admission, you should have received this information via email. If you have not yet applied for admission, you will receive this information via email once you have completed the Fall 2023 application process. You will not be able to apply for these scholarships until you have completed an application for admission.)
  4. Select the “Future Student” tab on the top menu.
  5. Select the “Scholarships” tab on the side menu.
  6. Click the Freshman Scholarship Application link or the Sophomore Scholarship Application link (for students who have completed a minimum of 30 hours by Fall).
  7. Ensure that each section listed on the application is completed:
    Personal Email
    Declared Program of Study & Program Emphasis
    School & Civic Activities
    Scholarship Specific Questions - with any required attachments
    E-mail address of High School Counselor (if submitting Freshman application)
  8. Please note that additional information may be required for certain scholarships.
  9. Save the application by selecting "Save My Progress" button to gather necessary attachments.
  10. Once all required information has been entered or attached, select the "Submit Application" button.

NOTE: The application can only be submitted ONCE so please make sure it is complete before submitting!

Many Foundation scholarships have a financial need requirement. To be considered for these Foundation scholarships, please apply for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and list East Central Community College (Financial Aid Code: 02404)  as a choice to receive this information.

The ECCC Foundation scholarship application deadline is Noon on February 1st.