Warrior Cheer Team Fundraiser

The East Central Community College Cheer Team supports Warrior and Lady Warrior athletics teams throughout the year, including cheering at all home and away football games and home basketball contests; participating in campus pep rallies, parades with the college’s Wall O’ Sound Marching Band, and EC Day at the Neshoba County Fair; and performing community service, among other activities and events.

The Cheer Team seeks your support to help offset the expenses of participating in and traveling to camps, as well as purchasing the items necessary to remain among the top cheer squads in the state and region, including spirit signs, pom poms, megaphones, and cheer tumbling mats, among other items.

You can help by making your online tax-deductible contribution using the form below.

For additional information, contact Cheer Coach Bailey Gibson at bgibson@eccc.edu or 601-635-6126 or Cheer Coach Leah Calvert at lecalvert@eccc.edu.