COVID-19 Guidelines

Due to COVID-19 guidelines we will only allow 15 people into the Wellness Center at one time. We will try our best to notify you through our social media accounts when the gym is at max capacity.

Follow our social media accounts:

Facebook: ECCC Warrior Wellness

Instagram: @eccc_wellness

Twitter: @eccc_wellness

Everyone is limited to 1 hour in the Wellness Center to workout.

You are only allowed to bring: your student ID, phone, a pair of headphones,and a water bottle with you into the Wellness Center. Nothing else will be allowed. We are not responsible for stolen, lost, or damaged items. Lockers are no longer available due to COVID-19.

Masks are required INTO the Wellness Center. A staff member will check your temperature before you scan in at the front desk, then wash your hands.

Masks are required while in the Wellness Center in-between workout stations, cleaning equipment, and sanitizing your hands.

Masks are NOT required while exercising.


Wellness Center Checklist

Arrive wearing your mask at the Wellness Center located by the EC Bookstore in the Smith Student Union Building.

A staff member will meet you at the door to check your temperature.

Scan in

Wash hands

Arrive at the equipment you would like to use

Remove mask to exercise

Mask on to sanitize

Clean the equipment

Wash hands

Scan out